Saturday, June 5, 2010

Reflection on the Passion

Lord, You lost millions of drops of blood due to the blows
of my sins. You fell three times due to the immense weight
of my sins. Your Mother shed millions of tears at the sight
of You, especially at Your death. Lord, You chose this for us to be close
to You, from here on earth to Your home, heaven. If only I can kiss
the thousands of wounds You bore...while it is You who heal this
wound, this void of mine - physical, mental, and spiritual. If only
I can hear Your cry to the Father in that pain-filled, lonely
voice...while it is You who heeds my wailing. If only I can wipe
Your beaten face as Veronica did... while You wipe away the mud
that stains me. If only I can help carry Your cross but I am sorry
for my is always You who aids me to lift mine.
If only I can gaze into Your eyes of mercy and tell You of my
meager love...while You always look at me with compassion.
Lord, my life is nothing compared to Your sorrowful Passion,
but I am ever grateful even for each big or little sacrifice,
because then, I am united with You and I know, that just as You
have risen from the dead, I can everyday be reborn anew,
dead to sin, but ever alive with peace that comes from only You.


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